Saturday, July 29, 2006

Random late night randomness

First, can I just say that I don't know what has changed within my relationship with Jes in the last few days, but whatever it is I hope it stays!! Woohoohoo!!! My libido is back baby, after three goddamn years of stagnant sex I am one happy fucking camper (nice pun eh? lol). Saaaaawweeeeeeet.
*ahem* so yes. I am getting action and a lot of it and enjoying it for once. Yay! Oh I'm sorry, is that too much information? Too bad, you already read it lol

Not much else is really new on this end...I'm on call with three clients due August 3, 4 and 14th so I'm keeping things pretty low key while waiting for "The Call". I attended a birth on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning for another doula friend who was out of town...that was a nice and unexpected experience. I was only there for 14 hours, which seems like a long time to most of you, but for me it's a kind of nice change. I seem to attract the women who labour for 20+ hours and those are hard, emotionally and physically.

Speaking of babies...dude I want another baby soooo freaking bad right now. I gots the baby fever like nobody's business. I know I know...I basically *just* had a baby (ok, 15 months ago, but still!). Seems like this is a cyclic thing for me, I got pregnant with Faeryn when Nova was 14 months old so I am currently breaking my own record for being not pregnant. LOL! Being a doula is a good and dangerous thing for me, I some ways it really helps to satiate my love of pregnancy and birth, but in others I think it just feeds the desire. Jesse is SO not on board with having another baby, he says he's done and happy with the two we have. But, he hasn't made any permenant changes either, if you know what I mean, so part of me thinks that he might change his mind in a year or so. My fingers are crossed, at least. What can I say...I love being pregnant, I love giving birth (as twisted as that sounds to some of you), I love babies...I love it all. It's not always easy and it's definetely not always a cake walk, but the benefits and rewards far outweigh any of the difficult, trying, frustrating moments.

My new motto lately is "Never say never"...cause you just never know when your perspective might change or be changed by something or someone. I think it's just more of life teaching me to be more open to ALL the possibilities that are out there, not limiting oneself to what you *think* are know?

I am very excited for Sunday. I am taking a one day workshop on making your own body care products, specifically lotions and salves etc. I've actually been approached by an online mama friend who has asked me to develop a natural baby care line that she can sell on her website! Crazy. I think I may just go for it, though...I really enjoy making my own skin care stuff and it could be a neat thing for me to explore. Here's hoping that one of my clients doesn't call me in labour on Sunday morning!!

OH, I wanted to share this website link with you:

Personally, I think this is some pretty cool stuff. A lot of people probably think it;s a little (or a lot) weird and gross, but I really like the idea and think that the artwork is beautiful and unique. I know that most women loathe their menses and the bleeding and all that, but it really is such a special rite of womanhood, too. Yeah it can suck, it sometimes hurts and you feel crappy...but the connection of the cycles to the moon, and just the earthly beauty of Mother Nature's plan in can be a beautiful thing too, you know? Embracing it instead of being negative about it is helping me feel more connected to myself and my earth roots, so I'm going with it.

Ok, that's enough rambling for one post, I think! Have a beautiful night everyone~


reviewer said...

Crystal is having sex. Sex, SEX SEX SEXSEXSEXSEXSEX. Not onyl sex, but GOOOOOOOOOD sex. I love that word.
Yah, that website does nothing for me. I knew you would like it though :-P

Hey, I see Faeryns Birth story is posted at breech births. Awesome!! :) I tell everyone I know about her birth.

klk said...

Ya know, I am going through the same babyfever thing! I think it's apu and all the pg. the boy thing would be cool. I would have you deliver my babe sweet mama!
Yeah, after three years it all starts coming back. Once I reached 30ish, I was good to go on the sex train, woo hoo!