Wednesday, August 09, 2006

You win some and you lose some...

This weekend for the first time ever I had a client choose to not call me to her birth. I don't know how to feel about's all very strange and I go back and forth between hurt, angry and ambivalent.
Also, for the first time, I had two clients go into labour AT THE SAME FREAKING TIME! T called me at 5:10am on Monday saying she was in labour, and as soon as I hung up with her, C called me and said she was in labour too! Sheesh! It rarely happens, but it still happens. Funny how the universe keeps you humble when you start to get too smug about things.
Anyways, back to my original story. So C calls me at 5:20 right after T does. C calls again at 8am saying that things are picking up and could I please come over to rub her back. So I do. We headed over to the hospital around 10am after walking the neighbourhood for an hour to get things moving a bit more. 1pm rolls around and I get a call from T's husband saying that they are at the hospital. I tell them that I'm at another hospital at a birth, but that my back-up doula is available to them until I can get there. T's husband says that they will call me again when they get into a birthing room. I hear from them again at 3:45pm and T's husband tells me that they've just broken T's water and there was meconium in the water. He says that the contrax are getting more intense so I again offer to send my back up. They decline saying they'll update me in a little while. I had asked to talk to T personally, but her hubby wouldn't let me...he only relayed my questions to her and then relayed what she said back to me. C had her baby at 6:33pm and I left the hospital at 8:15pm. I realize that I still haven;t heard from T or her husband again, so I call them to check in. She has an epidural in and is on pitocin as the hospital staff wants to get things moving because of the meconium. I tell them that I am all done at the hospital so I am available to come to them and T;s husband says
"Well, they say she;s bedridden now so I don't really think there's anything you can do."
Me: "Um, well okay...please call me when you need me and I will be there"
I never heard from them again. I had a strong feeling after our last conversation that it was going to happen, but part of me still can't believe it actually did. Why the hell would you pay $700 for a doula and then choose not to call her to the birth?! For what it's worth, I'm kind of not surprised...T's husband was very resistant and skeptical about the whole doula thing and looking back on the weekend I feel like he may have made the decision not to call me and T was in no state to fight him on it. I feel badly for her, and somewhat pissed at him. I am not calling them again, the ball is in their court and they will have to call me at some point because they have my birth ball.
Gah. Weird I tell ya...I just don't know how to feel. Such is life...sometimes things happen that are out of your control despite your best intentions. This was one of those times, I guess.

BUT, in happy news, my friend of 10 years had her second baby on Monday night!! Her first birth was the first one I had ever attended and was the one that kickstarted my whole doula career so I am so happy and excited and thrilled and just overjoyed! Her little man weighed in at a healthy 9lbs 11oz...a full 1lb 3oz bigger than his big brother! Welcome to the world, sweet boy...I am so blessed to have been there to watch your entrance earthside.

It's 3:30am and I should really go to bed as I'm still on call for a client due August 14 but I'm not tired! Oh I'll be plenty tired in the morning, I'm sure.
I guess that's it for now. Goodnight everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hey! That is so weird about the client who are right about it not sounding like her own decision. I am thinking this is the couple you told me about a while back. Got to be so perplexing. Don't let it shake you up too badly. Glad to hear things went well at the other two births! Thinking of you lots!

Anonymous said...'s pam. ;-)

Anonymous said...

i like it when you blog.....makes me feel just a little bit closer to your life....'you win some you lose some' is a great way to look at you babe!

Crystal said...

I love knowing you read it, Jackie! Love you to my friend

Pam, I think this is probably a different couple since they just hired me a couple weeks before they had their baby. Well, I'm assuming they had their baby since I still haven't heard from them! Love you babe!!!!