Saturday, October 12, 2013

This. This is perfect.

I don't think I've ever read something that so perfectly describes why I am a hugger, a lover, a toucher... someone who has close, intimate relationships with people I care about without having sex with them.  I have struggled in the past with explaining this, especially to my most recent ex.  Partly I think that society teaches and preaches that touch is sexual, and if you're touching people, you must want sex from them.  I think touch can be intimate without being sexual.  I think people can be close, physically and emotionally, without it being an affair or untoward (as long as all people involved are on the same page, of course, and it's not hurting someone).  THIS is what polyamory can be (without all the silly stereotypes) and why I think it works for me.

I want a life of a million lovers and sex has absolutely nothing to do with it.

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